"Brandy demystifies the crucial steps that must be taken in
order to consciously create the life we want."
Our Mission is to help you regain your . The power you have always had, but has been covered up by the Ancestral and Cultural Conditioning you have received. Our intent is to liberate you from that programming and return you back to your Essence of
and Spirit! The same Life Force that has built mountains and runs Universes!
From this place, you are Limitless. Free to create the life of your Heart & Soul’s Intention. No longer burdened by the heavy chains your Ancestors carried before you. Free of the fear, wounds, and limitations that have been passed down generation to generation, unconsciously driving your life. No longer creating and experiencing your life through them!
I learned firsthand about this and the Truth of Who we really are, and What we are truly capable of, when I fell 40 feet off a cliff, and suddenly found myself on the other side of the Veil, reunited with my mother who had passed 3 years prior!
While there, I was shown how life is for most of the world because of this Ancestral Programing and given a Vision of how it COULD BE instead. In this Vision, every individual was liberated from this conditioned pain. Washed clean of the grime that was handed down to them, and free to experience the Unlimited Possibilities that are available to us when we are free of this programming.
I was then given a Blueprint on how to implement this in my own life, and sent back to share it with the world!
Learn the Sacred Truth about Energy, and the Energy Of The Universe, and how it all works in conjunction with our Own Personal Energy, that I learned when I crossed over to the other side, to completely Transform & Catapult Your Life!
Experience Synchronistic Flow. Where everything you intend comes to you Easily & Effortlessly. Where hard work and struggle are a thing of the past!
Be Free from the Patterns & Blocks that have Kept You Stuck and from achieving some of Your Important Life Goals!
Experience Prosperity in All Areas Of Your Life, be it in Relationships, Career, Health or Finance!
To continue our Mission to free our world from the limiting programing that gets passed down from generation to generation and spread around, we donate 10% of all of our sales back to First Five California. Thank you for helping us be a part of the solution with every purchase you make!
First 5 California funds programs that educate parents, grandparents, caregivers, and teachers about the critical role they play during a child’s First Five Years. Since their creation in 1998, they have supported millions of families with programs and services that are designed to help kids grow up healthy and ready to succeed both in school – and in life!